
Learn from us

Our farm-to-school programs foster connections between students, teachers, parents, urban farmers, corporates, and policymakers. We promote activities that support agriculture, nutrition, local economies, and the United Nations Sustainable Goals.

Our tailored learning experiences and programs teach the fundamentals of environmental and sustainable practices. 

Mighty Greens’ team of professional educators, farmers, and dedicated volunteers work hard planting seeds of sustainability and urban farming in the minds of the next generation. 

We work in schools as activists-in-residence, after-school programs, and cross-curricular workshops for students and staff.

Empowering active and responsible world citizens

In today’s fluctuating environmental climate, there is a deep need for eco-friendly initiatives and sustainable ways of living. We need to walk the talk more than ever before. To us, the way forward is by teaching students how to live sustainably. 

As educators, family members, and community representatives, we have the fundamental responsibility to educate ourselves and the future actors of society to live in a manner that won’t harm us as a whole. It is essential to inform the next generation to embrace an environmentally friendly mindset and become self-sufficient world citizens.

This type of education encompasses way more than classroom subjects. It provides children with real-life skills that will enable them to be active and responsible citizens, capable of making a better world. This is why we foster a ‘permaculture’ type of living, as it promotes a living that balances human and other species’ needs without harming the planet while embracing everyone.


Training and Workshops

Our vision is to empower the community. From small SMEs to educational institutes and big corporates, we are ready to educate every single person that is interested in creating an impact!

Let us help you with:

Workshops to reach specific Sustainable Development Goals:

community education
forward thinking citizens

See exactly what we do!

Farmer Gui and Cintia as TIS Activists In Residence 2020-21 – We had the opportunity to reach out to all grades from Kindergarten all the way to secondary students. They created their own gardens, and were taught about planting, composting techniques, and re-cycling wood for a DIY farm.

Teaching Portuguese thru Farming at Zheng Guanying Public School – We had the privilege to educate this great tri-language public school with farming classes to enhance their Portuguese language skills.

Green summer Camp 2020 – Cintia Milk our educator, developed a Macau Green Program for her Master’s in Education thesis. Check out the amazing experiences children from different schools in Macau had!

Sustainable development goals

The United Nations have defined sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This not only entails the environment, but also economic, social, and limited natural resources. 

Developed cities like Macau have an ever-growing demand for essential commodities like food. This leads to an increasing dependency on outsourcing from other countries, which is not sustainable nor reliable in the long run. After the first wave of the global pandemic, the citizens of Macau had faced food insecurity with empty shelves and massive queues at supermarkets and food banks. Although the scare was short-lived, the food dependency issue remains. 

So how can we foster food security? We’ve adopted the following UN’s SDGs as the catalyzer of our future work:

Sustainable Development Goals no. 3 - Good health and well being
SDG #11 Sustainable cities and communities
SDG #12 responsible consumption and production
SDG #15 Life on land
SDG #17 partnership for the goals

Framing our efforts and focusing on the challenges we face, leads to the development of a sustainable community, city, and in the long run, the world!

Schools we've worked with

TIS Macau
The International School of Macau

Cintia and Guilherme were the activists in residence, and created an urban garden with the students. They learnt about permaculture, composting, and microgreens.

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Macau Anglican College

Engaging and enhancing parents and childrens relationships through urban farming workshops.

escola zheng guanying macau
Escola Zheng Guanying

Year long after school program, teaching about the cycles and principles of permaculture whilst enhancing the students Portuguese language skills.

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Escola Portuguesa de Macau

Summer camp program for the community to learn about urban farming and the science behind farming.

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